Addon Bindpoint


create spawn points on your Map where players can register automatically or on demand, coupled with another addon it can also have pre-requisites (race, level, and a lot of other things)

Tutoriel for installation

1) add in Canvas :

  • 1.1) UI_bindpoint prefab
  • 1.2) search respawn panel and add new button "ButtonRespawnToBindpoint" ajust position if needed
  • 1.3) add UI_Bindpoint_RespawnDialogue component in respawn panel

2) open prefab npc

  • 2.1) open npc prefab, add NpcBindpoint component
  • 2.2) in same npc prefab go to component Npc and asign component NpcBindpoint in field NpcBindpoint
  • 2.3) in same npc prefab check if yes or not this npc offert bindpoint

3) add bindpoint in scene

  • 3.1) extract 3D Only Bindpoint or 2D Only indpoint (depending on your version of ummorpg)
  • 3.2) add in scene à prefab exemple recenlty extracted

Advice :

    1. I advise you to create your own scriptables and not to use those present in the addons
    1. I also advise you to create your own prefabs, this will avoid any subsequent overwriting


  • copying a file on Unity is very simple, just press Ctrl+d


  1. Tools

Add Define


Video Tutoriel

  1. Video Tutoriel

Addons idea :

addon name
addon name
addon name