1) Verry important
First need visit this page and create you API --https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/android/start Next go here for find your WebClientId --https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials?project=_
2 ) Open NetworkAuthenticatorMMO.cs
A.1 - find this :
// login info for the local player
// we don't just name it 'account' to avoid collisions in handshake
public string loginAccount = "";
public string loginPassword = "";
public string passwordSalt = "at_least_16_byte";
public int accountMaxLength = 16;
A.2 Replace to :
// login info for the local player
// we don't just name it 'account' to avoid collisions in handshake
public string loginAccount = "";
public string loginPassword = "";
public string guestUserUniqID;
public string googleSignInToken;
public int loginType = 0; // 0 login/pass , 1 GuestUSer, 2 Google SignIn
public string passwordSalt = "at_least_16_byte";
public int accountMaxLength = 16;
B - 1) Find this
string hash = Utils.PBKDF2Hash(loginPassword, passwordSalt + loginAccount);
LoginMsg message = new LoginMsg{account=loginAccount, password=hash, version=Application.version};
Debug.Log("login message was sent");
B - 2) Replace to
if(loginType == 1)
// 1 ) if faut check si le guestUserUniqID à un compte associer
string account = Database.singleton.isRegistered_user(loginType, guestUserUniqID);
loginPassword = account;
loginAccount = account;
else if(loginType == 2)
// Is a google login
string account = Database.singleton.isRegistered_user(loginType, googleSignInToken, manager.networkManagerMMORegisterMobile.WebClientID);
loginPassword = account;
loginAccount = account;
string hash = Utils.PBKDF2Hash(loginPassword, passwordSalt + loginAccount);
LoginMsg message = new LoginMsg{account=loginAccount, password=hash, version=Application.version};
Debug.Log("login message was sent");
3) Drag and drop Login_Mobile in canvas and paste your WebClientId
3.1) Assign UIPopup
3.2) Assign NetworkManagerMMO
3.3) Assign NetworkAuthenticator (drag NetworkManagerMMO too)
3.4) if you want try autologin client move slider AutoLogin > 0
4) in NetworkManagerMMO (in scene)
4.1) Add new component : NetworkManagerMMORegisterMobile and in this, add you WebClienID (Step 1)
4.2) in component NetworkManagerMMO Component search NetworkManagerMMORegisterMobile and assign it