Addon World Boss Message

World Boss Message

The World Boss Message addon for uMMORPG creates an immersive and exciting experience by broadcasting messages to all connected players when a World Boss is defeated. The announcement highlights the name of the player who delivered the final blow, providing well-deserved recognition to those who contributed to the boss's defeat.

Key Features:

  1. World Boss Defeat Announcement:

    • When a World Boss is defeated, a message is broadcast to all connected players.
    • The message highlights the name of the player who delivered the final blow, celebrating their heroism.
  2. World Boss Respawn Announcement:

    • When a World Boss respawns, a message announces its return.
    • Players can prepare to face the boss again for rewards and glory.
  3. Active Participation Encouragement:

    • Encourage players to actively participate in World Boss battles.
    • Offer special rewards and public recognition to the most active participants.


  • Immersion and Excitement: Public announcements add a layer of immersion and excitement to each World Boss battle.
  • Player Recognition: Players who significantly contribute to battles receive well-deserved recognition.
  • Increased Engagement and Enthusiasm: Foster competition and collaboration among your player community, increasing engagement and enthusiasm for the game.
  • Preparation and Strategy: Respawn announcements allow players to strategically prepare for future boss battles.

How It Works:

  • Boss Defeat: When a World Boss is defeated, a message is automatically broadcast to all connected players, announcing its defeat and the victorious player's name.
  • Boss Respawn: When a World Boss respawns, a message is automatically broadcast, allowing players to prepare for the next battle.
  • Message Configuration: Messages can be customized to fit the tone and style of your game.

Add a new dimension of competition and collaboration to your uMMORPG with the World Boss Message addon, creating a more immersive and engaging experience for your player community.

Tutoriel for installation

[Required] Open Prefab Monster:
  • Add component MonsterWorldBossMessage

clich right an find this path.

[Required] Assign component
  • in component Monster assign MonsterWorldBossMessage

clich right an find this path.

[Required] Configure component
  • in component MonsterWorldBossMessage assign all other component
  • select checkbox if your monster is a Boss

clich right an find this path.

The end


  1. Tools

Add Define


Video Tutoriel

  1. No video tutoriel

Addon Date

  1. Created : 2024-06-02
  2. Updated : 2024-06-06

Tutoriel Date

  1. Update : 2024-06-07 00:24:06

File Date

  1. Update : 2024-05-04

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