Addon Leaderboard


Rankings allow you to have a ranking system in your game. The current system is ranked according to the player's level and it will indicate his rank, portrait, level and more. we will add functiona...

Tutoriel for installation

Tutorial not written


  1. No addons required

Add Define

  1. No define

Video Tutoriel

  1. No video tutoriel

Addon Date

  1. Created : 2024-06-02
  2. Updated : 2024-06-02

Tutoriel Date

  1. Update : never

File Date

  1. Update : 2024-09-13

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Animation Tags addon for uMMORPG
Animation Tags

By default all Animations in uMMORPG are played using the skills name. This requires you to create a unique animation parameter and animation per skill in your game and you cannot have multiple ski...

Elements addon for uMMORPG

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Status Orbs addon for uMMORPG
Status Orbs

Adds orbs that display health and mana which you can have along with the original status bars or you can use standalone.